A classic bun helps keep hair protected, making it a solid choice for a quick natural hair protective style! When our hair doesn't want to cooperate or we're short on time (me always running late) buns are always reliable! The last few months I've practically been living in buns! It’s a cheap, easy, and quick hairstyle you can do especially if you want to switch up your look a little. There are ...
natural hair tutorials
3 Easy Glam Curly Hair Low Ponytail Styles for Any Ocasion
Valentine’s Day is just around the corner! And whether you love it or loathe it’s the perfect excuse to get glammed up and play around with fun romantic hairstyles. Whilst this year will be spent indoors, we can still make an effort for that zoom date or going to that fancy restaurant in our living room. Let’s be honest... How often do we wear makeup and do our hair these days? I know many ...
4 Easy Puff Cuff Natural Hair Styles | Queen Teshna
I’m always on the hunt for tools that will style my natural hair without any fuss! That’s why I love the Puff cuff! If there’s one thing that scares me when styling my hair is ‘tension, yes you know what I’m talking about... when your braids or headbands are so tight that you can literally feel the strands of your hair being ripped out of your scalp! Ok, a slight exaggeration but I’m sure we ...